- Rtapas::CP_500trNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::CPtrNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::NUC_500trNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::NUCtrNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::am_matrixamph_trem dataset
- Rtapas::amphipodamph_trem dataset
- Rtapas::amphipod_1000tramph_trem dataset
- Rtapas::np_matrixNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::pp_treesPACo_congNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::pp_treesPACo_incongNuclear and chloroplast dataset of orchids
- Rtapas::trematodeamph_trem dataset
- Rtapas::trematode_1000tramph_trem dataset